Simulador Test Professional Scrum Product Owner II

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Product Owner

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1 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Business Strategy

What of the following factors should a Product Owner considering when deciding the price for a product?

2 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Product Backlog Management

Which of these activities are basic for effective backlog management?

3 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Business Strategy

The price of a product could be aligned to aspects such as:

4 / 15

Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework | Events

What are feedback loops in Scrum?

5 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Stakeholders & Customers

The product stakeholders are pressing you to include their features for the next release.

What do you do?

6 / 15

Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework | Artifacts

What are the differences between an Increment and a release?

7 / 15

Evolving the Agile Organization | Portfolio Planning

During a the portfolio management review, leadership is discussing what to do with a product that has:
• Low Unrealized Value (UV)
• High Current Value (CV)

How can they maximize the value of the portfolio?»

8 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Product Vision

Why is important to define and communicate an effective product vision?

9 / 15

Evolving the Agile Organization | Organizational Design & Culture

How can a Product Owner improve the decision making when many stakeholders and team members are involved?

10 / 15

Evolving the Agile Organization | Evidence Based Management

What can you do to reduce the Customer Satisfaction Gap, as defined by Evidence-Based Management?

11 / 15

Managing Products with Agility | Stakeholders & Customers

What of the following can you do as a Product Owner to maximise the usage of the Product?

12 / 15

Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework | Scaling

A product has grown so much than it needs 6 Scrum Teams to work on it. How can the Product Owner still deliver effectively its purpose about the product?

13 / 15

Evolving the Agile Organization | Evidence Based Management

According to value measures, a product shows Low Unrealized value and High Current value. What should the Organization do?

14 / 15

Understanding and Applying the Scrum Framework | Artifacts

The Sprint Backlog is:

15 / 15

Evolving the Agile Organization | Evidence Based Management

What of the following measures can impact the most the Developers satisfaction?

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